Screenshot of Chordonomy falling chords game

Chordonomy: A MIDI-Based Game for Practicing and Mastering Chords

Score: 0
Lives Remaining: 3
High Score: 0

Chordonomy is a game designed to help musicians practice and improve their chord skills. Connect your MIDI keyboard to get started. The game generates random chords that fall from the top of the screen, and your goal is to play each chord correctly before it reaches the bottom.

As you progress, Chordonomy adapts to your skill level, presenting more challenging chords and increasing the speed. The game covers a wide range of chords, from basic triads to more advanced extended chords. You’ll earn points for each chord played correctly, based on its difficulty.

Chordonomy keeps track of your high scores. With live MIDI input, the game offers an engaging way to build your chord vocabulary and mastery.

Chordonomy requires a MIDI keyboard and is best played on a desktop or laptop screen.

Need to learn your chords and notes? Practice here: Random Music Notes and Chords for Instrument Practice

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